Unit 5 – Preparing the site for construction
Grammar – To + infinitive
When we want to talk about someone's intention or goal, about why they are doing something, we need to use 'to + infinitive'. In this case, the subject of the sentence is a person.
- I went to Prague TO obtain building permits. (not for obtaining/not for obtain)
- He recommended TO analyze the site.
- Civil engineers take extra measures TO control erosion or runoff.
obec, městský úřad
1. Connect words with their definitions:
2. Reading text:
posoudit, odhadnout, stanovit
služby, technická infrastruktura
nezpevněný okraj vozovky
přibližně odhadnout
průzkum, dělat průzkum
učinit opatření
Here are ten things civil engineers do to prepare the site for construction.
Site analysis
Civil engineers survey the land and analyze the site TO assess the site's existing conditions and the surrounding land.
They do this to research and record a variety of environmental and geographical factors, including:
- Soil types
- Existing wildlife
- Climate conditions
- Connectivity with utilities
- Stormwater patterns
- Drainage options
Feasibility studies
Feasibility studies are a risk assessment tool used TO determine if it is safe TO build on the site at all.
Feasibility studies consider all sorts of threats and geological conditions the site poses, such as:
- Seismic hazards
- Ground stability
- Unsuitable groundwater conditions
They'll recommend ways TO remediate the current conditions TO make it suitable.
Assist in building location
Civil engineers determine where the most suitable build site is based on site analysis and feasibility studies.
Site grading
Site grading refers to levelling and stabilizing the ground.
During site grading, the civil engineer will decide if the site needs excavation. Improper site grading can affect everything from the building's structural integrity to how stormwater collects or runs off.
Civil engineers decide if existing structures and trees need removal.
Site design and layout
Site design and layout indicate how the entire site will look upon completion, including the:
- Location of buildings
- Elevation of the terrain
- Placement of roads for access to and from the site
- Spots for utility connections
Site details
Besides the overall site design, it's also the role of the civil engineer TO determine the proper placement of external features such as:
- Curbs
- Gutters
- Pavements
- Driveways
Site drainage
Having a proper drainage system in place is crucial for site preparation.
During site drainage planning, civil engineers will also decide if they must take extra measures TO control erosion or runoff, such as:
- Building detention ponds
- Erecting retaining walls
- Creating berms
Site utilities
Civil engineers ensure that a structure will work with the local utility companies, from water supply lines to gas and electric.
Utility departments provide the location of existing lines.
Site cost estimates
Civil engineers provide cost estimates TO approximate how much it will cost to make the site suitable for construction.
Prepare engineering construction documents
As part of the architectural design process, architects and engineers create blueprints detailing the structure. Civil engineers draft construction documents for site excavation and grading of the land before construction.
Local building codes and regulations vary by city and municipality. Therefore, site grading and excavation documents are often required TO obtain building permits.
2.1 Answer some questions – TRUE or FALSE:
2.2 Translate some sentences:
- Stavební inženýři dělají průzkum pozemku.
- Stavební inženýři dělají extra opatření, aby kontrolovali/monitorovali erozi a odtok vody.
- Stavební inženýři musí připravit mnoho dokumentů, aby získali povolení ke stavbě.
3. Video
Ve videu uslyšíte:
vyskytovat se
3.1 Watch the video and answer some questions:
- Which steps don’t belong (nepatří) to the site preparation procedure?
Site evaluation
Building the frame of the house
Site plan design
Site testing
Moving in
Site surveying
Site clearing and grading
Landscaping and final touches
Site compaction
- Why do builders compact the soil?
- Must any connection lines that run from your building to the public sewer flow downhill or uphill?
- What is important when selecting the right builder?
- Why is it important to locate all underground utilities and structures before strating the construction?
3.2 Translate some sentences:
- Vyhněte se práci na bahnitých staveništích.
- Zde je několik základních tipů, jak zajistit úspěch vašeho projektu.
- Komerční a zemědělské projekty stojí kolem 30 000 dolarů.