Unit 2 – Construction workers
Grammar – Simple Present Forms
The simple present is just the base form of the verb. Questions are made with do and negative forms are made with do not.
- Statement: For digging jobs construction workers use an excavator.
- Question: Do construction workers use many tools?
- Negative: Construction workers don’t work in offices.
In the third person singular, -s or -es is added. Questions are made with does and negative forms are made with does not.
- Statement: A construction worker follows all health and safety policies.
- Question: Does he read blueprints every day?
- Negative: He does not.
USE 1 – Repeated Actions
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USE 2 – Facts or Generalizations
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Use the simple present to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. The action can be a habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that often happens. | The simple present can also indicate the speaker believes that a fact was true before, is true now, and will be true in the future. It is not important if the speaker is correct about the fact. It is also used to make generalizations about people or things. |
Examples: | Examples: |

spojovat s

kopat, hloubit

vybavení, zařízení

zásoby, dodávky, pomocný materiál

plán, dokumentace

požadavek, nárok, podmínka

zásady ochrany zdraví a bezpečnosti
1. Connect words with their definitions:
UNIT 2 – Connect words with their definitions
1. a task or action that one is required to perform as part of one's job
2. a written statement that sets out an organization’s commitment to protecting the health and safety of its employees, customers, and other stakeholders
3. a thing that is needed or wanted
4. food, equipment, and other essential things that people need, esp when these are provided in large quantities
5. break up and move earth with a tool or machine, or with hands, paws, snout
6. connect (someone or something) with something else in one's mind
7. the necessary items for a particular purpose
8. a design plan or other technical drawing
Vaše odpovědi
1. a task or action that one is required to perform as part of one's job
2. a written statement that sets out an organization’s commitment to protecting the health and safety of its employees, customers, and other stakeholders
3. a thing that is needed or wanted
4. food, equipment, and other essential things that people need, esp when these are provided in large quantities
5. break up and move earth with a tool or machine, or with hands, paws, snout
6. connect (someone or something) with something else in one's mind
7. the necessary items for a particular purpose
8. a design plan or other technical drawing
2. Reading text:
Construction workers perform the primary physical work most people associate with construction such as clearing, digging and building. Their duties include manual labor such as transporting supplies and materials to the job site, preparing the job site, testing and operating machinery and equipment, measuring and cutting building materials to exact specifications and using various hand tools and mechanical tools. They also read blueprints to understand project requirements and ensure they follow all health and safety policies and procedures on the job site.
Examples of construction worker jobs
malíři a natěrači
oceláři a dělníci
přípraváři staveb
montéři sádrokartonů a stropních desek
2.1 Which professions use the following tools?
UNIT 2 – Construction workers and tools
1. roofing hammer (pokrývačské kladivo)

2. tube (trubky)

3. scaffolding (lešení)

4. jack plane (hoblík)

5. trowel (zednická lžíce)

6. paint brush and roller (štětec a váleček)

7. construction management software (software pro řízení výstavby)

8. drywall circle gauge and keyhole saw (kružítko a pila na sádrokarton)

9. connectors (konektory)

10. heavy-duty work gloves (odolné pracovní rukavice)

11. parquet and parquet glue (parkety a lepidlo na parkety)

Vaše odpovědi
1. roofing hammer (pokrývačské kladivo)

2. tube (trubky)

3. scaffolding (lešení)

4. jack plane (hoblík)

5. trowel (zednická lžíce)

6. paint brush and roller (štětec a váleček)

7. construction management software (software pro řízení výstavby)

8. drywall circle gauge and keyhole saw (kružítko a pila na sádrokarton)

9. connectors (konektory)

10. heavy-duty work gloves (odolné pracovní rukavice)

11. parquet and parquet glue (parkety a lepidlo na parkety)

3. Video
Ve videu uslyšíte:
pneumatické vrtací kladivo

Today we will talk about construction workers.
People have always needed homes to shelter them from the cold in the winter, heat in the summer and rain in the fall. People also need roads, towers, parks, theatres and other buildings. All of these appeared thanks to the hard work of construction workers.
A lot of people work at a construction site. It would be impossible for one person to build a large building or to fix a road alone. Since the beginning of time people have used special tools to build and fix things in the community. Today construction workers have many tools and machines to do their jobs.
This construction worker is using a drill. A drill is a tool which makes holes. Construction workers also use a hammer and nails to put things together.
This wall is being build with bricks and cement. This construction worker is using a trowel to smooth things out.
Sometimes construction workers use machines to do big jobs. A jackhammer is strong enough to break rocks and hard cement.
For bigger digging jobs construction workers use an excavator. An excavator has a special tool that looks like a shovel with huge claws.
3.1 Answer some questions:
- What is a drill used for?
- What is used for smoothing things out?
- What do we need for building a wall?
- Which tools do you need for putting things together?
3.2 Translate some sentences:
- Tento dělník pracuje se sbíječkou každý den.
- Já nikdy nepracuji s vrtačkou o víkendu.
- Zedníci vždy používají zednickou lžíci k vyhlazení povrchu.