Unit 1 – Construction site
Grammar – Present Continuous
The present continuous (also called present progressive) is a verb tense which is used to show that an ongoing action is happening NOW, either at the moment of speech or...
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...the process of doing a longer action which is IN PROGRESS; however, we might not be doing it at this exact second.
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pokládka cihel

reflexni vesta

ochranná přilba

být na zemi / být v terénu

být na vrcholu budovy

být na plošině

drátěný plot

být v bezpečí

další / jiný
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Irregular verb: LAY
1. Connect words with their definitions:
UNIT 1 – Connect words with their definitions:
1. to be on a place where real, practical work is done
2. a place where a building is being built or repaired
3. a different person or thing
4. a rigid protective helmet, as worn by factory and building workers
5. to put down in a careful way, especially so that they are lying flat
6. the highest point of elevation of a residential structure, including garage
7. To be protected
8. A thing made from a steel wire woven together in a zigzag line
9. Fluorescent green/yellow/orange safety clothing
10. on a long, flat raised structure
Vaše odpovědi
1. to be on a place where real, practical work is done
2. a place where a building is being built or repaired
3. a different person or thing
4. a rigid protective helmet, as worn by factory and building workers
5. to put down in a careful way, especially so that they are lying flat
6. the highest point of elevation of a residential structure, including garage
7. To be protected
8. A thing made from a steel wire woven together in a zigzag line
9. Fluorescent green/yellow/orange safety clothing
10. on a long, flat raised structure
2. Reading text:
Men are working at a construction site. They are laying bricks. One man is mixing cement. He is on the ground. Another man is lifting a brick. He is on a platform. Another man is on top of the building. Some of the men are wearing bright vests. All of the men are wearing hard hats to keep them safe. One man is wearing a sweatshirt. They are all wearing jeans. There are no leaves on the trees. In the front of the picture there is a chain link fence. The men are working together to make a new building. It is a very hard job. They are working as a team. The fence is there to keep people out of the construction site. It is for their safety. The men are careful to be safe.
2.1 Answer some questions:
- Why are the men wearing reflective vests?
- Which building activities are the men doing?
2.2 Translate some sentences:
- Z důvodu bezpečnosti mají všichni muži bezpečnostní přilbu.
- Jeden muž právě míchá cement.
- Dva muži stojí na zemi.
3. Video